Lately things in the world and in my own life have felt heavy. As much as I love NPR, I just couldn’t listen to one more story in my car about the state of things. So, one day I put on my favorite kirtan singer Devadas and just belted out the divine names along with him. Immediately tears streamed down my face and I remembered what it is to be connected.
I have had some profound sound healing experiences. My first kirtan with Devadas is one of those pivotal moments. He introduced me to the world of kirtan and I made it a point to see many other artists after learning about this type of music. Three years later when I saw Devadas again I was moved beyond words. I literally couldn’t stop the flood of tears that rushed out upon hearing his first bhajan.
Music has always moved me. My dad sang and played the guitar with me when I was little, I’ve had a rich appreciation for musicals since I was young, and concerts were a way that my single mom and I got to connect and spend time together. I come from a family of singers and we can often be found enjoying an evening of karaoke.
All of the women’s circles I lead include a closing song and sometimes one at the beginning and middle also. Newcomers are sometimes taken aback when I introduce group singing but more often than not it becomes their favorite part of our gathering.
Sound moves and heals. Not just through music and song either. While living in San Jose I got to experience the crystal singing bowls. My first sound bath was pretty magical and I love seeing group sound healings become popular in the community.
Sound alone can be so healing but I think we also need community to be part of this equation. I can sing and cry in my car but the moments that I have felt such deep reverence for life and source were the moments I was experiencing sound with others. That concert when everyone is singing along, the call and response chanting, the sing alongs with dad and his guitar, they are all moments of being seen.
And when I listen to Devadas or Suzanne Sterling (another favorite is her album of ritual chants) in my car, it’s because I have had an in person experience that moved me. It’s that moment of feeling seen and being connected to something bigger than myself that I call on.
I can’t wait to be part of the Singing Sirens Women’s Retreat where the whole weekend will be focused on curating moments of connection to self and the power of sound. Join us at Terra Madra in Escondido June 14-16. Check out more details including various ticketing options HERE. I’ll be teaching on Sunday morning using asana, breath, mantra and mudra.
And next time you just can’t listen to another news story, turn on your favorite song and sing along as loud as you can. Get back to me on how you feel afterwards.

photo by Darci Fontenot

photo by Darci Fontenot