As 2018 comes to a close I end the year with some reflection. My 2 words for the year were Transformation & Nourishment. The words are chosen intuitively and then I wait to see how they unfold. They exist as the first intention I set before the new year and serve as the backdrop for life lessons and themes.
The biggest thing that happened in this category is that my husband and I moved back to San Diego and some months later bought a house. We transformed the way our life looked entirely including a period of cocooning in which we lived with my dad and his wife. Big changes on this front were not without their challenges but we are super stoked to have landed in a beautiful home we hope to stay in for many years. It’s funny to me that even 9 months later sometimes I still get confused about whether I am in San Jose or San Diego. It took me awhile to get settled when we moved up there so I suspect the same amount of transition time is expected on our return. With the move many other things transformed including my offering of women’s circles to the community and my job. It felt really lovely to leave my Goddess Circles behind to the community at large. Everyone at the yoga studio in San Jose took turns leading each month for a true collective. It makes my heart so warm to know that I started something that can continue and thrive in my absence. I was not sure where I would land job wise but much to my surprise I have found a new area in which to work. I started working for Hospice which was absolutely last on my list in the past. A transformation of my career path as well as a complete change in my perception of what kind of social worker I want to be. My moving back to San Diego meant leaving a private practice job and clients that I loved but I continued work with some of them remotely and have also started a new practice locally (my website got a makeover too!). I was fortunate this year to practice in person not once but twice with my favorite yoga teacher Elena Brower. Her perspectives on life and practice are always transforming me. I also got to interview her on my podcast which I hope was illuminating for those who maybe had never heard of her. That interview transformed me into a giddy schoolgirl as I gushed about how much I love her 😉 Transformation does not always feel positive and on that note at least two souls who meant something to me made their transition onto the next phase. It was unexpected since they were both suicides but somehow it helps me to trust that their transformation had a purpose even if it’s one I might never know. On a silly note, although meaningful to me, I dyed my hair for the first time in my life. I didn’t cover the grays which are ever prevalent but instead went for purple and turquoise and I loved it!
Being home with family and close friends has provided the deepest nourishment by far this year. We have been there for birthdays, all the holidays and wonderful random gatherings. Family was the main reason we had always planned to return and it felt so good to be back with all the people we love the most. San Diego food was the thing we missed the second most and we had a good time revisiting all of our old favorites. I had a beautiful period of time when we arrived home where I didn’t have a job, slept in more than I ever have and had lunch with my work from home husband nearly every day. Upon going back to work I got serious about making my meditation a priority again and I have not missed a day since the summer. I’ve been working with a local acupuncturist and have provided much needed nourishment to my body. With his guidance, I kick started my health with a 21 day cleanse and have since balanced out some concerns in my system. This also included a gnarly but much needed detox from traditional antiperspirants (probably in the transformation category but ultimately much more nourishing for my system). While I was still in San Jose I lead a Restorative & Reiki workshop series that not only provided nourishment to me but also to those in attendance. I’m always comforted by teaching reiki classes and I got a chance to do that various times this year; one class planned itself which was a fun surprise. I may have left my Goddess Circle community in San Jose but I got to return to my original new moon circle ladies in San Diego and that was such a breath of fresh air. I was deeply nourished by taking a yoga therapy training, returning to Jazzercise and leading a 6 week series on yoga for trauma. I got to offer yoga and reiki to my dad while living with him and he actually accepted this time; a nourishing experience for us both I suspect. My most favorite nourishing activity this year just might have been reading the entire Harry Potter series. I had avoided it in the past due to fantasy not really being my favorite category but wow was I wrong. What a fun time I had getting through that adventure. I tend to read a lot of non fiction which is informative but not always nourishing. Diving into this great fiction story was a source of great comfort to me towards the end of this year.
As we usher in 2019 the two words that have emerged are Surrender and Heal. Here’s to endings and new beginnings.

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