The holiday season is always a tricky one for staying sane and taking good care of ourselves. The push to buy things we don’t need is high as well. Some of my favorite gifts that I have gotten and given have been experiences. Please remember gift giving is not necessary and sometimes the best thing we can do is offer our support, a smile, a well timed phone call or letter or a wonderful experience. But there are a few gems that have changed my life this past year and I would like to share them with you here.
Practice You: A Journal by Elena Brower – If you know me or have read my blog you know that I am a big Elena Brower fan. She shows up with such authenticity and has so much to offer the yoga community and beyond. She is responsible for me taking a serious dive into my relationship with creativity, something I have struggled with my whole life. This journal is an absolute work of art and will get you to connect to very tender parts of yourself. I highly recommend you buy a copy for you and some friends/family members. The price point makes it easy to share the love!
Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living by Krista Tippett – I love books and I love to read. My Amazon wishlist is 100% books and this one is truly masterful. Krista Tippett has a great podcast that I have been listening to and her writing includes snippets from her show including her own take on life themes and lessons. She talks about looking for “words that shimmer” which is exactly what I feel I’m doing when I read. I look for the passages that take my breath away and make me feel deeply. You will find plenty of those in this work.
Sun and Moon Tarot by Vanessa Decort – Card decks are another favorite of mine to buy and gift. I always bring a card deck for folks to draw from in my women’s circles and it is part of my morning routine to pull a card after my meditation. I found this deck earlier this year and was struck by the sweetness and the diversity of the art and characters. The regular Rider-Waite Tarot has never been that appealing to me so I enjoy finding decks that are a little less traditional.
Bucky HeartWarmer – This sweet pillow friend has been a happy addition to my self-care routine. There is something so soothing about placing this on my belly or my heart (or my cold feet!) in the evening or anytime I need some extra love and warmth.
Pelvic Liberation: Using Yoga, Self-Inquiry, and Breath Awareness for Pelvic Health by Leslie Howard – I have not finished this book yet but I was more than happy to contribute to Leslie’s Kickstarter to help get this book published and I can’t wait to learn all that I can as a woman and a yoga teacher. The doctors aren’t giving us the best information on this subject (mostly because their focus is on treating and/or normalizing pelvic health issues) so we have to educate ourselves and know that we don’t have to accept pain and discomfort. Any person with a female pelvis probably needs this book.
Essential Oil Containers – I make essential oil blends and I often get asked what I use. Abundant Health has been my go-to for all things oils. The products are good quality, they are affordable and they have good customer service. I mostly buy the roller balls and spray bottles for my blends. I have had some leakage with the roller balls but only with certain oil blends since each has a different viscosity. Make sure to always buy colored glass for oil blends – plastic is not a good idea because it breaks down and the tint helps with sun exposure. Happy blending!
Art by Lori Portka – I brought her Gratitude Cards several years back and have continued to enjoy her offerings. I also have the card deck that she and Kris Carr made together which is very sweet. The cards can be framed for your space or given to a friend. She just added pillows and totes as well.
I also know lots of amazing women (and people) who run businesses, make and sell things and are so worthy of supporting with your dollars. I am working on getting a women run businesses section on my Wildish Wise Women site so stay tuned (saying it here to keep me accountable!) I am sure you know awesome folks as well so remember to consider supporting them.

Favorite pages from Practice You

Favorite pages from Practice You