Buddha Breakfast Bowl

buddha bowl 2This is one of my favorite recipes because it is delicious, easy to make and you can make enough for several days. Oh yeah, and it’s super good for you! 🙂  I like to have it for breakfast but it is really good for any meal. The triple alliteration was just too good to pass up. Credit for this recipe goes to one of my favorite yoga teachers Elena Brower

  • Cook up quinoa, brown rice or any other grain according to the package.
  • Lightly steam kale or other leafy greens.
  • Add any other veggies that are in season to your grains and greens. Pictured is roasted butternut squash but I have added broccoli, zucchini, sweet potato, avocado, cauliflower.
  • Some grilled or baked tempeh makes it a little more hearty.
  • Top with lemon-miso dressing, sesame seeds, seaweed flakes, tapatio, etc.
  • Have fun, mix it up, make it your own!

Lemon-Miso Dressing: caution this stuff is amazing and you may want to put it on everything!!

  • Equal parts (50-150ml depending on how much you want to make) fresh squeezed lemon juice and oil of choice (I usually use olive or grapeseed)
  • One or two heaping spoonfuls of miso paste (white or yellow seem to work the best)
  • I make it in a mason jar and just shake it up
  • You can mix up the citrus that you use as well. I’m pretty partial to lemon though.

*organic is best for all the ingredients, especially the kale and soy products.

I store the ingredients in glass tupperware and make up batches throughout the week. YUM!

Trust…No, I mean really trust

I started getting interested in and studying energy healing about 3 years ago. I really believe it was always a part of me, and of all of us for that matter, but I seriously started paying attention after having my first Reiki session.  I started reading books, meditating more and took my first Healing Touch class; I studied Reiki a bit later. I was hooked!!!

One of the biggest messages handed down from the founder of Healing Touch is to just “do the work.”  It is a simple lesson in trust and not being attached to the outcome but one that is often hard to incorporate.  When I first started energy work I was excited but also anxious to know more and be able to help people by connecting to divine guidance.  I wanted the heavens to open up and for me to receive clear messages that I could deliver to my clients.  As it turns out, intuition did not work that way for me.  When I would do sessions I would get some information but often it seemed muddy and didn’t make much sense.  Sometimes it would be right on and I would be able to connect it to something obvious but other times I was left wondering.  I learned early on from both my teachers and trial and error that even when it doesn’t make sense you should still bring it up with confidence.  That last part didn’t come easily at first and I would often gently mention something but almost as an afterthought that couldn’t possibly be significant.  Client’s picked up on my lack of assurance and there were times I felt very ineffective.  Side note: energy healing is not only about tapping into intuition and receiving guidance but I thought it was SO cool and really wanted to get it right.

My ability to trust increased as I got more practice and gained more confidence and confirmation in the work that I was doing.  Every time that I was able to confidently share some guidance I received and it was accurate, I trusted a little more.  I would also like to say that I reminded myself daily to be in a space of trust and love.  I knew that only in that space would I be able to do my most effective work.

I have been able to trust in the universe a lot more but I was recently reminded that this is still something for me to work on and maybe always will be.  I have received confirmation in at least three different instances that one of my totem animals is a dove.  A totem animal refers to an animal whose energy is similar to yours and in learning about this animal you can learn more about and better understand yourself.  Animal medicine is very powerful and can be a great aid in healing work.  To learn more check out Ted Andrew’s book Animal Speak.  Anyway, I already knew that this was my totem animal but given a recent opportunity to ask an oracle card reader a question, I asked what my totem animal is.  Now, I could lie to myself and say I was just asking to see if I have any other totem animals but the truth is I was testing it.  Sure enough the reader pulled dove and I proceeded to be in a space of relief and of also wondering why I just couldn’t trust my own intuition.  I tell my clients to do this so how can I still be struggling?!


Art by Jenni Robison

I realized that if I really seek to trust, then I trust that all of this, even my evolution of trusting and my ongoing occasional doubts, are all perfect!  This has been part of my path and I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for all the steps along the way.  I continue to work on trusting that all is in perfect order, that my guidance and intuition are meaningful and valuable, that I will manifest things that I desire into my life.  I also trust that I will still need to work on some of the same issues as my clients and that as long as I am constantly striving to be the best person I can be everything is alright!  I still have to remind myself to trust and love but luckily that is one mantra that I don’t think I can ever wear out.  Where can you invite in more trust and love?  Do you still question things and can you honor this as part of your path while striving to trust just a little more than yesterday?


Honoring my juicing slump

I got a juicer for Christmas in 2011 and I became a juicing fool. I would literally plan the night before what I would juice in the morning and get excited about it like it was my outfit for the first day of school. Juicing became a meditative act and I loved the way I could feel my cells vibrate as they absorbed nutrition. When I told my partner that last part I think he probably thought I was losing it! But, it gave me more energy and I couldn’t tell enough people about how much I was loving juicing. I have continued with my juicing on most days since I first got my juicer and it has become a great way to use any leftover veggies from the CSA. There have been days or stretches of days where I haven’t felt like juicing. At first I would try to force myself to want to juice because it is good for me. I have since backed off on that practice because when I was loving my juicing the juice itself was full of love. When I try to force it, I am drinking resentment and obligation!

I haven’t juiced in a few weeks now and I have decided to embrace the break. I know partly it started when I went on vacation and was off my routine but I am also respecting the fact that maybe I don’t need it right now. I was feeling like I was constantly battling off illness for awhile and during that time juice was my constant companion and wellness warrior. I still manage to eat healthy and incorporate a lot of veggies into my diet but I would rather return to juicing when I am happy and excited about it. I’m not saying we can sit on the couch and eat junk as long as we think loving thoughts (although that might work just fine, who knows?!) but I will say it feels good to honor what I need, or don’t need, right now.

On Monday I was up bright and early steaming kale and chopping veggies to have healthy food to eat throughout the week. It did not include any juicing but it felt joyful and it always helps me feel more grounded and prepared to know that I don’t have to worry about making good food throughout the week.

In what ways can you honor your body right now? Are you forcing anything that is not ultimately serving your joy in life? Let it go with a smile! 🙂

healthy food

Healthy food ready to go! Pile for the compost in the background.